Before reading, I strongly recommend going to, selecting "Chart drawing, ascendant", and entering in your information to cast your birth chart. You will need your exact birth time and birthplace to know your correct rising sign!! On the chart, it will be marked "AC", or the ascendant, another term for rising sign.
We all have a rising sign. It is the sign that is rising on the Eastern horizon based on the location we are born as the Earth rotates. Hence, rising sign.
The rising sign is associated with the general energy and path of our lives. It will give us a broad sense of our direction and what energy we could and should embody.
With the rising sign being the very beginning of the chart in the first house, it dictates where the rest of your houses and planets will fall, representative of it being the blueprint of your life.
If you look at your ascendant on your birth chart, think about the energy of the sign that is there.
Are you a Gemini rising, where you have multiple talents, skills, and hobbies, and the search for knowledge and freedom takes precedence in your life?
Are you an Aries rising, where you are often headstrong, certain, and confident in yourself and motivated in the aspirations of your choice?
Or are you a Scorpio rising, where you value privacy and secrecy yet enjoy uncovering the unspoken truths?
All signs have an assigned modality: Mutable, Fixed, and Cardinal. Finding the modality of your rising sign will provide details in the way you move in life generally.
Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius: Mutable
These rising signs are adaptable, mendable, and enjoy freedom of choice.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: Fixed
These signs aren't easily swayed in their ways and will be highly focused, but can become stagnant and comfortable.
Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn: Cardinal
As these signs and their months fall during the start of the seasons, they are associated with motivation and direction, and are self-starters and "go-getters" in their own right.
The Chart Ruler
Obviously, there are many ways a rising sign can manifest in a chart, and it can be different for everyone. Otherwise, astrology would insinuate that there are only 12 personalities, which is a common misconception and not the case.
A wonderful way to see how your rising sign is specific to YOU is to look at the ruling planet (called the chart ruler) of your rising sign and the energy of that planet, what sign that ruling planet falls in, and its house in the chart.
Ruling planets:
Aries, Scorpio: Mars
Taurus, Libra: Venus
Gemini, Virgo: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Sagittarius, Pisces: Jupiter
Capricorn, Aquarius: Saturn
Doing your own research on the energy of your ruling planet and noting how you resonate with it is crucial.
Once you've found your ruling planet and the sign and house it falls in, you will be able to see the natural energy and direction that life will take you, shown through your desires, personality, and life choices.
A Leo rising with the chart ruler, Sun, also placed in Leo in the 1st house, will show an emphasis on developing the self, being unabashedly confident, and embracing being seen publicly. They may have the desire to be actors, singers, and performers. These people shine, literally.
A Libra rising with chart ruler Venus in the 7th house can show a certain sensitivity and dependence on the opinions and emotions of those you are in a relationship with. It can also show you naturally take on the energy of those around you. A chart ruler in the 7th house, making it directly opposite the ascendent visually on the chart, can show a movement or distraction away from self, or even moving away from the location you are from.
(This takes a lot of putting the pieces the together, so be patient!)
If you want to go more in-depth to find possible obstacles, persistent struggles or successes, or major life events, looking at the relationship your ruling planet has with other planets in your chart through trines, squares, and oppositions or watching the planets transits to your natal chart will show how and when certain circumstances can arise cyclically and the triggers.
The rising sign and chart ruler is the perfect place to start if you want to read your own birth chart. It is the basis of who we are and our life paths, and once you see the way it manifests in your life, you'll be pleasantly surprised.