The 3rd house is a house with youthful energy, as it's associated with Gemini and Mercury. It's our closest surroundings, the neighborhood we grew up in, and the people we grew up with. It can represent our siblings, neighbors, and peers.
When you think of a Gemini or someone with Mercurial energy, they are very youthful, enjoy learning and speaking, and want to build a close connection with those around them. Because of this, those with prominent 3rd house placements thrive socially, usually have a variety of hobbies, and love exploration.
The 3rd house is our skills and hobbies. The sign or planet located in the 3rd house can show what kind of things we enjoy doing in our free time. The 3rd house and 9th house is the axis of learning, and prominent 3rd house placements are skillful and will love exploring new crafts.
The Moon is in its joy when it's placed in the 3rd house. As the moon represents comfort and emotional safety, it thrives in the house of our environments, hobbies that bring us joy, and our neighbors/friends. We function best when we feel safe and comfortable in our local neighborhood. It feels good to feel nurtured and connected with our peers. This placement fares someone who is extremely connected to the people around them.
3rd House Placement Interpretations
Having personal planets in the 3rd house, especially Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter, will make someone enjoy frequent trips here and there. As the 3rd house and 9th house is the axis of shorter trips and travels (3H) versus international stays and retreats (9H), those with placements in the 3rd will want to explore or learn new languages.
Sagittarius or Jupiter in the 3rd house will especially make someone take interest in international studies and travels, language, cultural foods, or will enjoy talking to those from different backgrounds. They may become well-versed in culture and extremely educated.
Those with Mercury or Gemini/Virgo in the 3rd house will like to write poetry, read, or do hands-on crafts like ceramics. This can also be the same for Venus or Taurus/Libra in the 3rd house and Pisces/Neptune in the 3rd house--these influences attest to artistic hobbies or enjoying environments that involve creative expression.
This house, along with the 7th and 11th houses, can represent how we act socially and our communication style. Having a Fire or Air sign in the 3rd house could point to someone who is good at socializing, or someone that people enjoy talking to. Having a water sign in this house can signal that someone is more shy and private, yet friendly and enjoys being close with family and friends.
Having an Earth sign in the 3rd house means someone may not enjoy small talk with strangers as much as others, but nonetheless, when they build relationships, they are strong and everlasting (this is especially true for Capricorn or Saturn in the 3rd house). Virgo in the 3rd house will make someone who is well-educated and concise in their language.
Leo or the Sun being present in the 3rd house will make one's childhood prevalent in their life. They may have grown up close to their neighbors, were constantly in a friend group of sorts, or was someone who had a fun and fulfilling childhood.
The 3rd house is light, fun, and airy. It is a house that's less serious as it focuses on what happens to be near us, purely by chance. It is our circumstances and what we happen to be born under. It is how we function in our everyday life--through what brings us joy, how we talk to the stranger in line, and what excites the mind.